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Panic Disorder (PAD) involves a recurrent fear of intense physical, panic-like sensations coming out of the blue.  Panic attacks involve  very intense  physiological sensations, such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath and dizziness. PAD can lead to significant avoidance of work, social and other contexts. 

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Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) involves persistent anxiety of social and/or

performance situations.

Socially anxious people tend to assume the social world is highly judgmental.

They often find small talk tiresome and replay social mistakes over and over again in their mind.  

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Generalised Anxiety

Disorder (GAD) involves exaggerated tension and anxiety around a number of things.  The anxiety is very hard to switch off and GAD individuals find it very difficult to relax and be in the moment. Physiological sensations, like tightness of chest and/or muscle tension, often accompany GAD.

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A major depressive episode , involves a depressed mood and the loss of interest or pleasure daily for at least 2 weeks. The person also tends to experience at least five or more  depressive like symptoms, such as weight gain or loss, insomnia or hypersomnia, feelings of worthlessness and/or poor concentration and indecisiveness.

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Specific Phobia is understood as an excessive fear experienced in response to specific feared objects or situations.  Specific phobias usually develop when a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. a cat) becomes associated with an unpleasant stimulus (e.g. pain after being scratched). This association is then maintained through avoidance of the feared stimulus (e.g. cat). 

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves consistent, unwanted and involuntary thoughts , images or impulses (obsessions) that cause marked distress.

To combat the distress caused by obsessions, the person suffering form OCD undergoes deliberate and repetitive  behaviours or mental acts (compulsions). 

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Emotion Regulation (ER) involves helping a person better manage  emotional experiences. No one likes to feel intense emotion and so we spend time pushing away uncomfortable emotional experiences, rather then facing them. While this approach works in the short term, it tends to backfire and increase emotion in the long run.  ER helps a person better approach and deal with emotions so long term emotional problems decrease. 

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Bipolar Mood Disorder (BMD) is characterised by manic or 

hypomanic episodes.

Among other symptoms, these episodes usually involve an elevated mood, impulsivity and poor sleep habits,   The person is usually overly optimistic about unknown outcomes and tends to underestimate risk or danger.  

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The practice focuses on treating the following concerns






Stress can be good, bad and ugly. The good stress drives you forward, the bad stress drives you backward, the ugly stress drives you and others apart.


Research shows us that stress management involves a careful balance between

meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility.


If the person fails to get this balance, then burnout and compassion fatigue are likely to manifest.


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